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Finally Some Gameplay!

After all the work I've done so far I haven't really been happy with the results until now. So after trying and trying different gameplay styles I found a good way to do it. Rooms are created in the code as Locations, each location gets attatched seperate locations which are called Exits. Each room connects to other rooms which can be accessed by the user by typing the room they want to go to from the list of avaliable exits at the bottom of the screen. The code is visible in the second picture and the user side is in the first (The user picture is scrolled down to see the exits so some of the story is not visible). Now that I have a way to set up exits and locations, I need to set up an inventory and way to get items. This will involve a similar process as the code below but instead of addings exits, it will add items. I also need to figure out a system for taking user commands in an effective way. Because users can write whatever they want for a move, a list of possible commands needs to be setup so that users can make a variety of moves like looking around or picking up an item.

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